Preservation Laws, Codes, Regulations
State Laws, Codes, & Regulations
California State Law and Historic Preservation (pdf - 95 pgs)
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
Public Resources Code Section 5020-5029.6
California State Historic Building Code (CHBC)
Federal Laws, Codes & Regulations
Federal Historic Preservation Laws, Regulations, and Orders
Federal Historic Preservation Tax Incentives Program
National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (background)
National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended through 2006 (text)
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
36 CFR Part 60 - National Register of Historic Places
36 CFR Part 61 - Procedures for State, Tribal, and Local Government Historic Preservation Programs
36 CFR Part 67 - Historic Preservation Certifications
36 CFR 68 Secretary of Interior's Standards for Treatment of Historic Properties
36 CFR Part 800 - Protection of Historic Properties - Section 106 Process
Advisory Council on Historic Preservation Citizen's Guide to Section 106
Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines
Secretary of the Interior's Standards and Guidelines for Archeology & Historic Preservation
Secretary of Interior's Standards for Treatment of Historic Properties (36 CFR 68)