The Government Modernization, Efficiency, Accountability, and Transparency Act of 2005 requires that State agencies post information on their websites about public meetings, proposed regulations, and how to comment or otherwise participate. To meet the requirements of the act, this page provides links (underlined) to the website page where such information is available.

State Historical Resources Commission (SHRC) Meeting Information
The SHRC meets quarterly. Meetings are open to the public and live-streamed via the Cal-Span network.
SHRC Meeting Schedule and Notices
SHRC Meeting Summaries and Recordings
Pending Register Nominations
SHRC Actions Taken

 Workshops & Webinars
OHP provides preservation training and education for members of the public and local governments through webinars and our popular Local Government Workshops. Check our Preservation Training page for current and ongoing opportunities. Visit our OHP Webinar Archives and Presentations Archive to view past trainings.

Public Meetings and Announcements

Public meetings and announcements are posted in a timely manner in the News & Updates section of our home page, and on the Meeting Schedule and Notices page for the State Historical Resources Commission.

How to Participate

Additional information about the opportunities for public participation listed below is available by clicking on the links for each program.
State Historical Resources Commission
: The quarterly meetings of the State Historical Resources Commission are open to the public. Interested persons may comment in writing or in person upon the historical resource nominations or other actions being considered by the Commission.

Registration Programs: OHP manages four registration programs, each with different eligibility requirements.   Members of the public can nominate properties for listing on the National Register of Historical Resources, the California Register, the State Points of Historical Interest, and the California Landmarks. Ownership of the subject property is not a requirement for nomination; however owner consent is required for designation as a Landmark or Point of Historical Interest. Registration does not limit owners use or transfer of the property.

Federal Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program: Owners of historic commercial properties can receive federal tax credits for qualified rehabilitation projects done in accordance with the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation of Historic Properties. Application for the program must be made before the rehab project is undertaken.

Governor's Awards for Historic Preservation: Members of the public are invited to nominate public agencies, community groups or organizations whose contributions demonstrate notable achievements in preserving the heritage of California through preservation activities ranging from building rehabilitation to archaeology, interpretation, and preservation planning for consideration for a Governor's Award. 

Preservation Partners: Additional opportunities are available to the public to participate in historic preservation activities and avocacy on a local level or through membership in a local or statewide preservation organization.

Proposed Rulemaking Notices

By law, all California State Agencies must consider suggestions and objections from the public before they adopt or change any regulation not expressly exempted from the California Administrative Procedure Act (APA).

OHP has initiated no pending changes to California statutes.