About the Office of Historic Preservation
The idea of an Office of Historic Preservation (OHP) began in 1953 with the establishment of the History Section of the Division of Beaches and Parks (the precursor to today's California State Parks). Eventually, in 1975, the Office of Historic Preservation was officially established within the offices of the Director of California State Parks. The formation of the OHP was an outgrowth of the passage of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, which called for the creation of a state agency to implement provisions of the law, including the preparation of a comprehensive historic preservation plan and a statewide survey of historical resources. Since its inception, the responsibilities of the OHP have grown to encompass a variety of federal and state preservation laws and agencies.
A 10,000-foot view of the OHP: Introduction to the Office of Historic Preservation (video)
Mission and Responsibilities
State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO)
State Historical Resources Commission (SHRC)
OHP Organization Chart
Meetings, Actions, & Public Participation

Office of Historic Preservation Brochure