OHP Webinar Archives
The Office of Historic Preservation (OHP) would like to acknowledge and express our sincere appreciation to the staff of the California Preservation Foundation (CPF) who provided the technical and production expertise to make these webinars possible.
2022 Webinar Series
Home, Safe Home: Seismic Safety and Rehabilitating Historic Homes
June 23, Workshop 1: What Makes My Home 'Historic'?
July 23, Workshop 2: Is 'Compatible' 'Matchy-Matchy'?
August 30, Workshop 3: Seismic Retrofit Basics for Historic Homes
October 6, Workshop 4: Retrofit Projects
November 8, Workshop 5: Keeping It Lookin' Great
December 15, Workshop 6: The Nuts & Bolts of Retrofits
2015-2016 Webinar Series
Preparing a Successful Section 106 Consultation Package
Historic Contexts: Purpose, Importance, and Process
Making it Pay: Incentives for Local Governments
Where Credit is Due: Preparing a Successful Tax Credit Application
2014-2015 Webinar Series
A 10,000-foot View of the OHP: Introduction to the Office of Historic Preservation
Getting to Listed: Preparing a National Register Nomination
I Concur: Consulting with the California SHPO Under Section 106
Getting to Know the CHRIS: Accessing the California Historical Resources Information System