2013 THPO/SHPO Summit
On October 30-31, 2013, a Tribal Historic Preservation Officer / State Historic Preservation Officer Summit was convened in Lincoln, California. More than 100 attendees from throughout the state were present on one or both days to discuss issues related to tribal historic preservation concerns. Attendees included tribal historic preservation officers, as well as other tribal members and employees; federal, state, and local agency representatives; and staff from the California Office of Historic Preservation. The summit was hosted by the United Auburn Indian Community, who also were responsible for collecting the presentation and handout materials below.
General Materials
Summit Agenda
ACHP Office of Federal Agency Programs Staff Assignments
OHP Section 106 Reviewer Staff Assignments
SB 18 and CEQA Tribal Intergovernmental Consultation (Panel Discussion)
Opening Remarks
Janet Eidsness, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer, Blue Lake Rancheria; and Marcos Guerrero, RPA, Cultural Resources Manager, United Auburn Indian Community of the Auburn Rancheria
Handout: Useful Web Links
SB 18, CEQA, and Current Opportunities for Consultation
Liane Randolph, Chief Counsel, Natural Resources Agency; and Scott Morgan, Deputy Director and SCH Director, Office of Planning and Research
Presentation (PowerPoint)
Handout: Executive Order B-10-11
Handout: Natural Resources Agency Tribal Consultation Policy
Butte County: Partnering Together for a Better Future in the Land of Natural Wealth and Beauty
Mike DeSpain, Director, Office of Environmental Planning and Protection and NAGPRA Coordinator, Mechoopda Indian Tribe; Bob Summerville, Senior Planner, City of Chico
Handout: Memorandum of Understanding between Mechoopda Tribe and City of Chico
Handout: City of Chico General Plan Preservation Element
Inyo County: What We've Got Here is a Failure to Communicate!
Bill Helmer, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer, Big Pine Paiute Tribe of the Owens Valley
Handout: SB18 Comments
New Directions in Historic Preservation: Native American Land Trusts and Conservation Easements
Preserving in Perpetuity: Use of Conservation Easements in CRM
Lisa Westwood, RPA, Cultural Resources Manager, ECORP Consulting
Presentation (PowerPoint)
Beyond "In Perpetuity": The Potential for Tribally-Hel Conservation Easements under SB18
Dr. Beth Rose Middleton, Professor, University of California at Davis
Presentation (Summary)
Current Proposals, Trends, and Legislation Related to Tribal Cultural Resources
Courtney Ann Coyle, Attorney; and Laura Miranda, Attorney
Presentation: NEPA Reform (PowerPoint)
Handout: ACHP Native American Traditional Cultural Landscapes Action Plan
Handout: ACHP Action Plan Fact Sheet
Handout: ACHP Native American Traditional Cultural Landscapes Q and As
Handout: ACHP Tribal Summit on Renewable Energy Executive Summary
Handout: AB 52 (Tribal Cultural Resources)
Handout: SB 659 (Archaeological Investigations)
Handout: CEQA Works, Who We Are
Handout: CEQA Works FAQs
Handout: Citizens for CERES v. Superior Court of Stanislaus County
Handout: CEQA Guidelines Revision Comment Letter
Handout: NPS Bulletin 38 Revisions Comment Letter
Section 106 Intergovernmental Consultation (Panel Discussion)
Introduction to Tribal Intergovernmental Consultation
Jason Camp, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer, United Auburn Indian Community; and Marcos Guerrero, RPA, Cultural Resourcees Manager, United Auburn Indian Community
Presentation (PowerPoint)
Developing Section 106 Consultation Guidance for THPOs
36CFR Part 800: A Step-by-Step Discussion
Dwight Dutschke, Ione Band of Miwok Indians
Presentation (PowerPoint)
Handout: NHPA Section 110
Action Plans for Improving Section 106 Tribal Consultation
Jason Camp, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer, United Auburn Indian Community
Presentation (PowerPoint)
Action Plans for Improving SB 18 and CEQA Tribal Consultation
Anmarie Medin, Chair, State Historical Resources Commission Archaeological Resources Committee
Handout: Archaeological Standards and Guidelines
Marcos Guerrero, RPA, Cultural Resources Manager, United Auburn Indian Community
Handout: San Diego Tribal Consultation Policies and Guidelines
Handout: Tuolumne County Management of Cultural Resources Policies
California Historical Resources Information System Access for THPOs
CHRIS Overview
Eric Allison, CHRIS Coordinator, Office of Historic Preservation
Presentation: CHRIS Background (PowerPoint)
Handout: CHRIS Fee Schedules
Partnerships with Tribes at the Northeast Information Center
Amy Huberland, Assistant Coordinator, Northeast Information Center
Presentation (PowerPoint)
Integration and Application of CHRIS Data
Jason Camp, Tribal Historic Preservation Officer; and Melodi McAdams, Cultural Resource Associate, United Auburn Indian Community
Presentation (PowerPoint)