CHRIS IC Fee Structure
Information Centers shall charge fees for access to CHRIS information and other services in accordance with the following schedule unless otherwise specified in a memorandum of agreement, a data subscription agreement consistent with the CHRIS Subscription Standard specified in Appendix 15 of the Information Center Rules of Operation Manual, July 28, 2017 (ICROM), or separately approved by the State Historical Resources Commission. The CHRIS IC Fee Structure shall be posted at each Information Center.
Note: At their January 31, 2020 meeting, the State Historical Resources Commission voted to maintain the current fee structure until the Commission's first meeting of 2021 at which time the fee structure will receive further consideration.
CHRIS IC Fee Structure
(A) Records Searches – Time Fees (IC Coordinator determines applicability):
(1) IC Staff-performed Records Search:
a) $150.00 per hour, one-hour minimum. After first hour, $75.00 per one-half hour, or portion thereof.
(2) In-House Records Search conducted by qualified individuals as specified in Section VI of the ICROM:
a) $100.00 per hour per person, one-hour minimum. After first hour, $50.00 per person per one-half hour, or portion thereof.
i) Client will be charged at the $150 per hour IC staff rate if GIS technical assistance (beyond introduction or simple questions) is requested.
b) Cancellation Fee: $50.00 for failure to give twenty-four (24) hours advance notice of cancellation of scheduled In-House Records Search appointment.
(B) Records Searches - Product Fees:
(1) Electronic Product Fees (not all CHRIS information is in electronic format – contact the relevant IC(s) for availability information).
a) GIS Spatial Data - assessed per Data Request form, may be different for project area versus buffer search radius. Client will be charged the Custom Map fee when GIS is required to complete the request [e.g., a map printout or map image/PDF is requested and no GIS Data is requested, or an electronic product is requested (derived from GIS data) but no mapping is requested].
Custom Map Fees | Custom Map and GIS Data/ GIS Data Only Fees |
0 Resources/reports = No fee | 0 Resources/reports = No fee |
1-4 = $25 | 1-999 resources/reports = $12 per resource/report |
5-14 = $75 | |
15-34 = $150 | |
35-49 = $300 | |
50-99 = $450 | |
100-149 = $650 | |
150-199 = $850 | |
200-249 = $1,150 | |
250-299 = $1,450 | |
300-349 = $1,850 | |
350+ = $1,850 plus $400 for every group of 50 resources/rpts over 349 |
1000+ = $11,988 plus $0.25 per resources/rpts over 999 |
b) Address-mapped Shapes Flat Fee: $25 (when applicable, replaces Custom Map and GIS Data/GIS Data Only Fees).
c) Digital Database Record Fees:
1-999 records = $0.25 per Database Record
1,000+ records = $0.10 per Database Record
d) Quads (crossed into) Fees:
Up to 2 quads = No fee
3-4 quads = $200
5-6 quads = $400
7-12 quads = $400 plus $100 per additional quad
13+ quads = $1,000 total
e) PDF Per-Page Fees (ICDB output, resource / report pages)
1-4,999 pages = $0.15 per page
5,000+ pages = $0.03 per page
(2) Paper Product Fees:
a) Photocopy: $0.15 per page
b) Information Center Database (ICDB) printout: $0.15 per page
Record Searches Total Fee Calculations: Time fee + Custom Map or GIS Data fee (calculated per Data Request Form) + A.M. shapes fee + Database Records fee+ Quads fee + PDF Per-Page fee + Paper Product fees + = Total Charge.
(C) Other Services Performed by Information Center staff:
(1) Staff Time: $40.00 per hour, one-hour minimum; after first hour, $20.00 per one-half hour, or portion thereof. (IC Coordinator will determine whether the specific request is considered a Records Search or Other Services.)
(2) Product Fees will be charged per (B) above.
Other Services Total Fee Calculations: Staff Time fee + Product fees = Total Charge.
(D) Priority Response:
(1) 50% surcharge added to total cost of Information Center services rendered.
(2) Contact Information Center to determine availability and response time.
(E) Information Center Optional Discounts (at IC Coordinator’s discretion):
(1) Discounted fees for large and/or multi-county electronic data purchases.
(2) Discounted fees in exchange for assistance with digital data conversion.
(3) Waiver of Access Fee for an In-House Records Search, solely for research that is unrelated to regulatory compliance such as, but not limited to, NEPA, NHPA, NAGPRA, CEQA, California Forest Practice Act, local ordinances, other land development actions, or mitigation of adverse effects to historical resources.