The Office of Historic Preservation (OHP) now accepts and prefers project submittals by email. Please see below for program specific submittal and contact instructions. 

Program specific contact information:

Section 106 (National Historic Preservation Act) and Section 5024 (Public Resources Code) Project Review Submittals

Email: Customers may submit some materials electronically. Materials that do not contain confidential information, may be sent in their entirety by email to This email account can accept messages with attachments up to 18 MB in size (Attachments may be sent with multiple emails if they collectively are larger than 18 MB). Please do not send submittals to the SHPO directly; all electronic submissions need to go through the calshpo.ohp email to be properly received and recorded.

For all submittals (to initiate consultation and for the formal steps while in process): Indicate in the subject line of the email which program the consultation is being submitted under and identify the project and agency.

Example: 106 EPA Soil Remediation Happy Mine
Example: 5024 Corrections Facility Upgrades Folsom Correctional Facility

If the submittal is for an undertaking in response to a declared emergency, please also indicate this in the subject line.

Example: 106 FEMA Temporary Housing Ex Order #12345AB
Example: 106 NPS Restrooms Point Reyes Nationwide PA XXX Ex Order YZ

Send the cover letter as a separate attachment from any other materials such as maps or reports.
In the body of the email, list the attachments included with the email.
If there is an issue with retrieving/opening any files, OHP staff will follow up with the submitter directly.

For submittals that do not contain any confidential information: Send cover letter and attachments in the same email message.

For submittals containing confidential information: Send the information as a password-encrypted zip file (using AES-256 encryption if possible) attached to an email. Do not include the file password in the email.

Instead, please call the OHP front desk at (916) 445-7000 to provide the password to open the file.
It is permissible to leave the password in a voicemail message as only OHP employees have access to this voicemail box.

Include the cover letter as an unencrypted attachment so it can be appropriately logged in without having to open the encrypted files.
If your email system is capable of encrypting entire emails (attachments included), it is fine to use this capability instead of creating encrypted zip files.


Agencies that have a secure FTP site or comparable secure file sharing location may upload documents to that site and send an email with information about how to access the file(s).
Include the cover letter for the submission as an unencrypted attachment to the email so it can be logged in appropriately and so the email isn’t mistakenly identified as spam.

FCC Reviews

Due to the high volume and extensive documentation of FCC submissions, all FCC620 and FCC621 materials must be submitted electronically to If there are any questions about this process or an electronic transmittal is not possible, please contact Michelle C. Messinger, Agency Lead, at

Federal Historic Tax Credit Program

As of August 2023, all tax credit materials must be submitted electronically to the NPS and to the Office of Historic Preservation (OHP). Hard copy submittals will no longer be accepted. See our Federal Tax Credit page for details and instructions on submitting electronically to the OHP. For questions or concerns, please contact Mark Huck, Restoration Architect, at

Registration Programs

All nominations for registration of historical resources must include both hardcopy and digital media; electronic submittal of nominations are not currently possible. Each registration program has different requirements, so visit the Registration Programs page for the most recent guidance regarding nomination submittals. For questions, please contact Registration Unit staff William Burg and Amy Crain at and

Local Government Programs

Certified Local Government Annual Reports, and CLG Grant Applications, may be submitted electronically to Include "CLG Annual Report Submittal" or "CLG Grant Application Submittal" in the Subject line of your email. To discuss the best way to submit an application to become a Certified Local Government, contact Shannon Pries at