The Sears, Roebuck & Company Mail Order Building is located on 22 acres. It was completed in 1927 and received its first additions in 1929. Other additions followed in 1940, 1959, and 1964. The property was listed under Criterion A at the state level of significance in the area of commerce during the years 1927-1955 for the importance of the mail order business in California history. The building is the only large mail-order plant constructed by Sears, Roebuck & Company in the southwestern United States. It was the seventh mail-order center built by the company (twelve were eventually built) and was one of two built on the west coast, the other being located in Seattle. The Los Angeles warehouse provided mail-order service to markets in California, Arizona, Utah, Nevada, western New Mexico, and Hawaii, as well as parts of Asia. The building also contained the company’s twelfth retail story and one of the few built in conjunction with a mail-order-center. The property was determined eligible for the National Register in 2001 pursuant to a 106 consensus determination.

Registration Date: 4/21/2006

Los Angeles
County: Los Angeles

2650 E. Olympic Blvd.

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