Newhall Estate, also known as La Dolphine, includes an imposing residence designed in 1912 by Lewis Parsons Hobart in the Beaux Arts Classical style favored by architects of the grand residential estates of Hillsborough in the early twentieth century. The residence is set within a 3.36 acre formal garden also designed by Hobart. Both house and garden are marked by French influences in the site relationship, style and design. Contributing resources include the house, garden, and swimming pool, originally built as an ornamental reflecting pool with water jets, but altered to a swimming pool in 1941. The property was listed at the local level of significance in the areas of architecture and landscape architecture under two components of Criterion C: as an excellent example of the style, and as the work of a master.

Registration Date: 4/13/2007

County: San Mateo

1170 South East Ocean Blvd.

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