Historical Landmark
Description:The Hewlett-Packard property consists of a 1905 two-story Craftsman residence, converted in 1918 to two flats; a ca. 1924 garage; and a pre-1938 shed. When the property was acquired in 2000 by the Hewlett-Packard Company, the residence had been extensively altered. The garage and shed were essentially original, but deteriorated. In 2005 Hewlett-Packard undertook a complete rehabilitation of the property to return it to its original appearance during the brief occupancy of David Packard and William Hewlett. Exteriors were restored to their 1938 appearance using historic or in-kind materials. Replacement of missing features was based on documentary, physical or pictorial evidence. The property was listed under Criteria A and B at the national level of significance in the area of engineering. Packard and Hewlett worked in the garage on what was to be the first product of their lifetime business together. The property is also California Historical Landmark No. 976, “The Birthplace of the Silicon Valley.”
Registration Date: 4/20/2007
Palo Alto
County: Santa Clara
367 Addison Ave.
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