NPS Number: 07000849
This property was listed at the local level of significance under Criterion A in the area of commerce for ts association with St. Helena’s early commercial history, as it developed adjacent to the railroad depot. The two buildings functioned as saloon and living quarters from 1886 to 1922, when the saloon closed. The buildings are adjacent to the historic railroad depot and one block away from the St. Helena National Register Historic Commercial District. They appear to be eligible for their association with St. Helena’s late 19th and early 20th century commercial history as it developed adjacent to the railroad. It was also listed at the State level of significance under Criterion B in the area of industry for for the association with John Ramos who was associated with the property from 1880 to 1883. Although his association with the building was short lived, Ramos made a significant contribution to the California sherry industry and this building appears to be the only extant building associated with him. He is credited with introducing the ‘baked’ sherry-making process to California and is mentioned in much published material on the subject of California wine making.
Registration Date: 8/30/2007
St. Helena
County: Napa
1468-1478 Railroad Ave.
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This property was listed at the local level of significance under Criterion A in the area of commerce for ts association with St. Helena’s early commercial history, as it developed adjacent to the railroad depot. The two buildings functioned as saloon and living quarters from 1886 to 1922, when the saloon closed. The buildings are adjacent to the historic railroad depot and one block away from the St. Helena National Register Historic Commercial District. They appear to be eligible for their association with St. Helena’s late 19th and early 20th century commercial history as it developed adjacent to the railroad. It was also listed at the State level of significance under Criterion B in the area of industry for for the association with John Ramos who was associated with the property from 1880 to 1883. Although his association with the building was short lived, Ramos made a significant contribution to the California sherry industry and this building appears to be the only extant building associated with him. He is credited with introducing the ‘baked’ sherry-making process to California and is mentioned in much published material on the subject of California wine making.
Registration Date: 8/30/2007
St. Helena
County: Napa
1468-1478 Railroad Ave.
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