NPS Number: 08000260

Bungalow Heaven Historic District is a residential neighborhood located in north central Pasadena. The sixteen-block area was developed primarily between 1888 and 1929 with one- and two-story residential buildings. Like most of Pasadena’s older neighborhoods, Bungalow Heaven streets are lined with large mature trees, including California live oaks and camphor trees. The district includes 522 contributing and 164 non-contributing buildings. The district was listed under Criterion C at the local level of significance under the registration requirements of the 1997 Multiple Property documentation, “The Residential Architecture of Pasadena, California, 1895-1918: The Influence of the Arts and Crafts Movement” and its associated historic context, “Single-Family Residential Architecture of the Arts and Crafts Period in Pasadena, 1895-1918.” The historic district is significant as the largest intact grouping of working class housing constructed during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries reflecting the influences of the Arts and Crafts movement in Pasadena.

Registration Date: 4/10/2008

County: Los Angeles

Roughly bounded by N. Mentor Ave., E. Orange Grove Blvd., E. Washington Blvd., N. Michigan Ave., and N. Chester Ave.

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