Historic Site Employees or Volunteers
Suggested Activities in Support of the State Plan
Promote the Teaching with Historic Places program and/or create a teacher's guide or curriculum unit about your site.
Locate new sources of funding to help teachers, parents, youth organizations, and students gain access to and make better use of your site in both formal and informal education.
Create events and activities at your site that are specifically designed to make the resource a part of the community’s everyday life (e.g., farmers markets, neighborhood meetings, outdoor concerts, community gardens).
Provide interpretation of your site using a wide variety of delivery methods.
Update the nomination for your historic site to include more information about groups traditionally under-represented in nominations.
Create communications/outreach plans in order to strategically use various communications methods, avoid duplication of efforts, and maximize the reach and impact of messages.
Issue press releases that highlight successful preservation projects and focus on the larger community the resource serves and benefits.
Invite public officials to ribbon-cutting ceremonies and other events at your site.
Develop educational and outreach materials in languages other than English.
Actively participate in local or regional tourism councils.