California Historical Landmarks By County
California Historical Landmarks
California Historical Landmarks (CHLs) are buildings, structures, sites, or places that have been determined to have statewide historical significance by meeting at least one of the criteria listed below:
- The first, last, only, or most significant of its type in the state or within a large geographic region (Northern, Central, or Southern California).
- Associated with an individual or group having a profound influence on the history of California.
- A prototype of, or an outstanding example of, a period, style, architectural movement or construction or is one of the more notable works or the best-surviving work in a region of a pioneer architect, designer, or master builder.
The resource also must have written consent of the property owner; be recommended by the State Historical Resources Commission; and be officially designated by the Director of California State Parks. CHLs #770 and above are automatically listed in the California Register of Historical Resources . Parties interested in nominating a property to the California Historical Landmarks program should consult Technical Assistance Bulletin 13, How to Nominate a Property as a California Historical Landmark or California Point of Historical Interest, and contact the Registration Unit.